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 Physically Abused

Another touchy subject. This one is more apt to be found because you can see the scars, the brusises, the pain on their bodies, but it's still hard to reach out to these people because they are normally scared of other people, yet they WANT help they feel tied down, but WE WANT TO HELP THEM, we don't want to let them go astray and think that everyone is like the person who hurt them.


Physical abuse is a form of violence in which bodily harm is used to cause fear, pain, or suffering.

Examples of physical abuse include punching, slapping, and using objects to hurt someone. People who are physically abused may have bruises, broken bones, a black eye, or life threatening injuries, such as organ damage.


  • Physical abuse against women often increases when they are pregnant.
  • People who are physically abused typically hide the abuse from others.
  • Men who are physically abused often don't report it because they are embarassed.

Physical abuse consists of anything one person does to another that causes physical pain. This includes slapping, pinching, punching, pushing, throwing objects, assaulting someone with an object. Physical abuse can result in bruises, black eyes, knocked out teeth, broken bones, internal organ injuries, miscarriage, brain concussions, and even death.



2006 statistics:

Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. While 3,000,000 (3 million) reports of child abuse are made every year in the US, experts estimate that the actual number of incidents of abuse and neglect is 3 times greater than reported.


  • 4 children die every day as a result of child abuse and 3 out of 4 of these victims are under the age of 4.
  • A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds.
  • Child abuse occurs at every socio-economic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education.
  • 36.7% of all woman in prison and 14.4% of all men in prison in the US were abused as children.
  • One third of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse.
  • An estimated 906,000 children are victims of abuse and neglect every year.
  • The rate of victimization is 12.3 children per 1,000 children.
  • Children ages 0-3 are the most likely to experience ause. About 1 in 50 US infants are victims of non fatal child abuse or negect in a year, according to the first nationtal study of the problem in that age group done be the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention along with The Federal Administration of Children and Families.
  • 1,500 children die every year from child abuse and neglect. That is just over 4 fatalities every day.
  • 79% of children killer are younger than 4.
  • 80% of young adults who had been abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least 1 psychiatric disorder at the age of 21.
  • Abused children are 25% more likely to expierence teen pregnancy.
  • Children who experience child abuse and neglect are 59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrest as an adult, and 30% more likely to commit violent crime.
  • Nearly 2/3's of the people in treatment for drug abuse reported being abused as children.
  • 1/3 of abused and neglected children will eventually victimize their own children.
  • There are nearly 3 million reports of child abuse made annually.
  • The rate of child abuse is estimated to be 3 times greater than it is reported.


-Intimate partner violence made up 20% of all nonfatal violent crime experience by women in 2001.

-Intimate partners committed 3% of the nonfatal violence against men.

-In 2000, 1,247 women and 440 men were killed by an intimate partner. In recent years, an intimate partner killed approx. 33% of female murder victims and 4% of male murder victims.

Access to firearms yields a more than five-fold increase of intimate partner homicide when considering other factors of abuse, according to a recent study, suggesting that abusers who possess guns tend to inflict the most severe abuse on their partners.

-Of the almost 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members, 49% of these were crimes against spouses.

-84% of spouse abuse victims were females, and 86% of victims of dating partner abuse at were female.

-Males were 83% of spouse murders and 75% of dating partner murders.

-50% of offenders in state prison for spousal abuse had killer their victims. Wives were more likely than husbands to be killed by their spouses; wives were about 1/2 of all spouses in the population in 2002, but 81% of all persions killed by their spouse.

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