Definition of Psychedelics:

Any of the so-called mind-expanding drugs that are able to induce states of altered perception and thought, frequently with heightened awareness o sensory input with diminished contrl over whats being experienced.

A psychedelic substance is any psychoactive drug whose primary action is to alter the thought processes of the brain and percetion of the mind. Psychedelic drugs are part of a wider class sometimes known as the hallucinogens.

Psychedelic drugs differ from other psychoactive drugs, such as stimulants and opioids, in that these drugs not only induce familiar states of mind but rather shift the focus of experiences so that they are qualitively diferent from those of ordinary consciousness.



Is compared to non-ordinary forms of consciousness such as trance, meditation, and dreams.



Derives from the Greek words psyche"mind" and delein"to manifest", translating to "mind-manifesting." The implication is that the psychedelic drugs can access and develop unused potentials of the human mind.


Lester Grinspoon--a psychedelic drug is one which has small likelihood of causing physical addiction, craving, major physcological disturbanes, delirium, disorientation, or amnesia, produced thought, mood, and perceptual changes otherwise rarely experienced except perhaps in dreams, contemplative, and religious exaltation, flashes of vivid involuntary memory and acute psychoses.



  • LSD
  • Psilocybin("magic mushrooms:)
  • Mescaline(active principle of peyote and the San Pedro cactus)
  • LSA (Hawaiian Baby Woodrose & Morning Glory Seeds)
  • Ayahuasca
  • Shamanic Tea brewed from plants containing dimethyltrypamine and harmine

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