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*2/3s of Americans say they are likely to seek help for stress.(APA Survey 2004)

*54% of Americans are concerned about the level of stress in their everyday lives.(APA Survey 2004)

*62% of Americans say work has a significant impact on stress levels.

*54% of workers are concerned about health problems caused by stress.

*45% of workers list job insecurity having a significant impact on work stress levels.

*61% of workers list heavy workloads as a significant impact work stress levels.

*Executives & managers tend to have the most stressful jobs, while self-employed workers are the least stressed.

*1 in four workers have taken a mental health day off from work to cope with stress.

*73% of Americans name money as the number one factor that affects their stress level.

*An estimated 121 million people world-wide currently suffer from depression.

*8 to 20% of older adults experience symptoms of depression.

*Approx. 6 million American men suffer from depression.

*Nearly twice as many American women as men are afftcted by depression.

*Approx. 18.8 million American adults have depression.

*Women are more likely than men to have an anxiety disorder.

*Anxiety disorders frequently co-occur with depressive disorders, eating disorders, or substance abuse.

*More than 19 million American adults have an anxiety disorder.

*Panic Disorder is a serious condition that around 1 out of every 75 people might experience.

*About 1 in 3 people with panic disorder develop aoraphobia.

*Panic disorder typically develops in late adolescence or early adulthood.

*Approx. 2.4 million American adults have panic disorder.

*Only 1 out of 4 people with panic disorder recieve treatment.

*Twice as many women suffer panic disorder than men.

*Roughly 50-60% of those who suffer from panic disorder also suffer from a major depressive disorder.

*Panic disorder is diagnosed when a person suffers at least two unexpected panic attacks and seriously worries about having future attacks or changes their behavior to avoid or minimize future attacks.

*Roughly 10% of healthy people experience an isolated panic attack in a given year.

*Most panic attacks last less than 30 minutes.



*FIRST, stress is a genuine health issure that affects a tremenous amount of people.

*SECOND, stress is the root cause of anxiey and depression, as indicated by the fact that suffering from one makes it far more likely that you will suffer from the other.

*THIRD, women are more likely than men to suffer from anxiety and depression.



*Teenagers(expressed here as people between the ages of 13 & 19)are exposed to a unique set of stressful challenges not only due to the realities of human biology but also due to the importance we place on the teenage years both socially and culturally.

*STRESS IS the direct physiological and psychological response to change in your enviroment.

*Teenagers experience a period of relatively drastic social and biological change during the years between childhood and adulthood. It only stands to reason that teen stress would take on a unique character corresponding to the specific changes experienced during that period.

In other words while teen stress and the stress experienced by adults/children might differ in certain important ways, as its root all stress is a function of change and our reaction to it.

*The teenage years mark the transition between childhood and adulthood, a period often referred to in the literature of social psychology as adolescence.


*This is a period of rapid psychological development(2nd only to that experienced in early childhood)marked by a strong trend towards idividuation-in other words, the process of defining one's self as an individual.

*The process of individuation typically involves a number of psychological shifts. One of the important of these is a shift in the teenager's focus from their parents to their peer group-a grtoup composed of other teenagers who experience these changes together.

*Teenagers are not only trying to define themselves as individuals inside the context of their nuclear family, but also to develop meaningful relationships within ther peer group outside of their identity as a son/daughter. As a result the process of individuation is often characterized by a strong identification with and subscription to the attitudes, values, dress, social vernacular,etc. of their chosen circle of friends.


A little preview of how to get your life back from stress! THE FULL VERISON IS ON THE STRESS HELP PAGE!


*Lead a healthy life

*Heed Warning Signs

*When/If you feel out of control try some of the things listed on the STRES HELP PAGE

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